Luxos Compendium

The "official" Bolt from the Blue wiki

Waves of Wanderlust

Name Mariangela Miron-Gushiken
Gender Female
Age 20
Height 5'5" (165cm)
Aspect Water
Affiliation Umisuan Council

Mariangela is a playable linked character in *Bolt from the Blue.* She is the childhood friend of Saffron and Araceli. Until she joins the party, Mariangela works for the Umisuan Council alongside her parents.



Mariangela is a young woman with a somewhat boxy figure. Her hair is purple-blue and the curls are stylized similar to waves. It is often held in a high bun by a silver fishtail hairpiece. She has light blue markings painted on her upper eyelids.

Mariangela's ears are finned, and she has a large tail with membranous appendages protruding from the end.

In general, Mariangela is exceptionally quick and efficient with her movements, but she always maintains a graceful appearance.


Forward and friendly, Mariangela is naturally eager to walk up to a stranger (or a crowd of strangers) and introduce herself. Like Araceli, she grew up with grandiose ideas of what the world beyond their cushy lives held, envisioning herself as a heroine of sorts.

Like the heroes she dreams of becoming, Mariangela is always volunteering to help people at the Ikoron Port. She's a believer in "no task too largeā€”or too small," and insists that it's always worth asking for help. Younger children have referred to Mariangela as an "older sister" or "auntie" figure.

Despite her busybody nature, Mariangela will criticize others for overworking themselves. She is considered a bit hypocritical for this.


In battle, Mariangela focuses on supporting the party with skills that apply to all allies. Her high AGI stat allows her the mobility to provide back-up when needed. She has a water aspect.


Prior to Story

Mariangela lived in Umisuu's capital, Ikoron, with her parents Melia Miron and Ryo Gushiken. Melia was occupied with the ever-spreading threat of the blighted sea, so Mariangela was raised mainly by Ryo. Occasionally, representatives from Umisuu's allies (South Pyrus and Cieliso) would visit for various matters. Sometimes, children from the respective ruling families would also be in attendance. Mariangela enjoyed playing alongside those that happened to be similar in age to herself. These were Saffron and Araceli, and the three would establish themselves as close friends early on in childhood. When they weren't visiting each others' nations, they were calling over resophone (to varying success).

As she grew older, Mariangela took from her long-distance friends' feelings of self-importance and would try to establish herself in her own hometown. Whenever someone in town needed any sort of help, she would be the first to run down and lend a hand. The routine was satisfying, but as contact with her friends (particularly Araceli) dwindled, she began feeling helpless to "the people that really needed her." It was at this point that Melia offered her a role with the Umisuan Council to aid with the investigation of the blighted sea.

Bolt from the Blue

Nothing here yet! Sorry!


Araceli Fuentes de Luna

Mariangela's childhood friend. They enjoyed spending time together along with Saffron during visits and resophone calls, but would eventually drift apart as Araceli began taking her prophecy's call more seriously. Seeing both her and Saffron become more stressed and occupied with life made Mariangela restless, and she just wants to reunite with them again.

Saffron Infiaco

Mariangela's other childhood friend. The two weren't particularly close until she saved him from nearly drowning in the Ikoron Port.