Para los condenados a muerte
y para los condenados a vida
no hay mejor estimulante que la luna
en dosis precisas y controladas


Today, Roga gave me this journal to use as I please!!! I really like how soft the cover is, so I'll keep it protected by never taking it out of my room!

Next month, I'm going to Embra for a big event: Night of the Stars. My father tells me they only have it once every 10 years, which means the last time was right before I was born. That is really interesting, and I wonder how long they've been doing this?? He also said that I can get my future read here by the Head of House Infiaco herself, which also sounds interesting.

Before we go, I have to go see Ms. Verona for a check-up. I have to see her a lot to make sure I'm healthy. Because my aspect. I'm not actually sick. Well, not that sick. Ms. Verona just says that I am a late bloomer, and that's why my aspect isn't strong yet. I will be strong though!! On my birthday.


I got to see Lady Infiaco, who is the Head of House Infiaco, and she told me that I would get to meet a new friend soon! Isn't that wonderful?? Then she went to speak with my father, and I spent the rest of the night with Young Lord Saffron. He's only a little bit annoying, but it's okay. The night was pretty nice, and a lot of people complimented my dress.

Now that I'm home, my father wants me to visit the church sometimes to see Loni. One day I'm going to have a pact with her!! I go there twice a week with one of the Windknights. The church isn't that far so he should just let me go alone but he says it's safer this way. I think he is worrying over nothing! But I still listen to him because that's the right thing to do.

The church is really big...and old??? There's a really really big bell on top, but I've never seen them ring it. I asked one of the Windknights why they don't and he said he didn't know. I asked if I could go see it and he said no. I really want to see it though!!!