Events Archive

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Monthly Events

Side Events

The April Fool - APR 2022

Casual event - 3 participants

Got an OC who's just an absolute clown? A favorite character that loves to lighten the mood? Now's the time to give them the spotlight!

The first event in DSA - members were tasked with drawing an OC telling a joke, playing a prank, or otherwise being silly.

MerMay - MAY 2022

Prize event - 10 participants

Do you have a mermaid OC?? An OC themed after the sea???? Sharkboy???? Well, no better time than MerMay to indulge in your fishy OC desires …

In the same fashion as the popular art trend, members were tasked with drawing or writing about a mer-OC (or other aquatic-themed OC) or AU during May. Members who participated were entered in a prize draw for a 10usd gift (Nintendo eShop card, Discord Nitro 1 month subscription, or an Amazon giftcard).

Pride Beach - JUN 2022

Casual event - 9 participants

What could possibly be a better way to celebrate Pride Month in a sea-themed server than a beach party??? Don't answer this. I'm literally right.

In celebration of Pride Month, members were prompted to draw one or more OCs at the beach, and were encouraged to include a detail related to their LGBT+ identity.

Summer Palette Challenge - JUL 2022

Casual event - 5 participants

The mods and I have put together a collection of palettes for this month's event!

As a casual challenge alongside ArtFight season, members are prompted to use one of several pre-made palettes in an OC drawing.

Bunnie Takeover! - AUG 2022

Prize event - 12 participants

One of the mods here, Bunnie, is one of my best friends. Their birthday is coming up so I let them pick this month's event theme! Here's what they outlined (so please take your complaints to them. not me. please . pl:

To celebrate one of the server mods' birthdays, members were prompted with drawing their OC as a kemonomimi (a humanoid with animal features such as ears, wings and tails). The mod was also hosting a raffle for a month of Discord Nitro for whoever also draws their OC in a maid outfit

Splatember! - SEP 2022

Casual event - 6 participants

To celebrate the release of Splatoon 3, we'll be having our own squid party!

Members were prompted to draw their OC/sona as an inkling or octoling during the month Splatoon 3 released globally


Casual event - 7 participants

Of all the character tropes and clichés, few stand out more than these two: deceiving trickster bastards and misunderstood tsundere meowmeo- I mean, ,, tricks and treats!

Alluding to themes of Halloween, members were prompted to present an OC via drawing or writing that falls under the category of "TRICK" (a character who seems nice, but is not!) or "TREAT" (a character who seems cold, but is not!).

Shark Tank - NOV 2022

Competitive event - 8 participants

Put your pitching (and character design) skills to the test in this server mascot challenge!

Members were challenged to create a mascot for the server. All entries were placed in a poll where everyone can vote anonymously on their two favorites. The member who got the most votes on their entry would receive 69USD and their design would be used as the server's official mascot.

Venus Takeover! - DEC 2022

Prize event - 11 participants

Our very own pink council mod Venus has a birthday this month, so let's celebrate!

In a birthday event organized and dedicated to one of the server's mods, members were challenged to draw their OC in a Japanese street fashion substyle. Members who drew their OC in a lolita substyle were eligible for a raffle for a drawing from peachybonnie.

New Year, New Me - JAN 2023

Casual event - 9 participants

Isla seems to have misinterpreted the titular idiom and mixed various characters into different universes! Wait- can she really do that?!

As the new year rolls by, members are challenged to draw or write about their OC/sona as if they existed in another member's fictional universe. In a separate channel, members were encouraged to share basic information about their fictional worlds and practice introducing their ideas to an unfamiliar audience.


Competitive event - 16 participants

by rakuraikou and Mod Bunnie (no socmed specified)

In accordance with February and Valentine's Day, our event this month will be focused around a DSA "prom" of sorts in which your OC couples will be competing for the titles of Best Couple... and while we're at it, Worst Couple!!

Members were hilariously challenged to pitch through either art or writing their "best" and "worst" OC ships. These pairings would be put into a voting form where everyone in the server can pick their favorites based on the dynamic sold. The winners of each category each received 28USD and art from rakuraikou. NOTE: the "(x)" links go to the members' explanations for their ships!

Deep Sea Anniversary - MAR 2023

Collaborative event - 14 participants

Happy birthday to the entire server! Wait, what? Isla marked everyone's birthday on the exact same day? Can she really do that?!

March 18th 2023 marks a year after DSA left its "testing and tweaking" phase and became a full-fledged public server. Members were prompted to draw their character celebrating in a pre-drawn environment - all entries were collected and put into one big collab.

April Showers - APR 2023

Casual event - 5 participants

Oops! Looks like Isla somehow combined Failgirl Friday, Soggy Sunday, Misfortune Monday, Wet Dog Wednesday, and a few other days it seems...into a whole month of perpetual flops! Wait, can she really do that?!

In accordance with the common saying, April Showers challenges members to draw or write about their particularly ill-starred characters having a loser moment.

May Flowers - MAY 2023

Casual event - 15 participants

Have no fear! Despite Isla's fantastic fail fall last month, she is perfectly fine, and is now aided by friends who will soothe her woes with the sheer power of their sunny presence.

Complementing last month's event, members are prompted to draw or write about a cheerful and lively character. Members who complete both this and last month's event will be entered into a prize draw for art!

Your DSA Fave is Problematic - JUN 2023

Casual event - 17 participants

by rakuraikou and Bunnie

Yes indeed, we're harkening back to 2013 Tumblr for this event, as it will be your job to make a shitty PowerPoint defending an OC who could be considered a "problematic fave!" No I am not joking! Len let me do this for some reason! -Bunnie

Members are prompted to make a PowerPoint (or similar presentation) defending a "problematic" OC of theirs. There was an optional live presentation held in voice chat at the end of the month. NOTE: many of the links are PowerPoint downloads! I can promise you they aren't viruses, but you don't have to trust me lol.

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