Trophies & Awards

Trophies are a fun way to log server activity. There is a slight competitive edge to it, as every trophy is worth a certain amount of points that total towards a leaderboard position. The trophies system is powered by the Trophy Bot by Antikore.


Your own collection of trophies earned can be viewed with the command /trophies user, and the points leaderboard is generated with the command /leaderboard. If you want to see information about a specific trophy, use the command /show trophy:TROPHY NAME. Trophies in your collection will be listed in order of point value, and then by ID number.

Current list of trophies

  1. The April Fool (10pt) - APR22 Event Participant
  2. MerMay (10pt) - MAY22 Event Participant
  3. Pride Beach (10pt) - JUN22 Event Participant
  4. Summer Palette Challenge (10pt) - JUL22 Event Participant
  5. Bunnie Takeover! (10pt) - AUG22 Event Participant
  6. Splatember! (10pt) - SEP22 Event Participant
  7. TRICK or TREAT (10pt) - OCT22 Event Participant
  8. Shark Tank (10pt) - NOV22 Event Participant
  9. Venus Takeover! (10pt) - DEC22 Event Participant
  10. New Year, New Me (10pt) - JAN23 Event Participant
  11. SHITPROM (10pt) - FEB23 Event Participant
  12. Deep Sea Anniversary (10pt) - MAR23 Event Participant
  13. April Showers (10pt) - APR23 Event Participant
  14. May Flowers (10pt) - MAY23 Event Participant
  15. Beta Fish (5pt) - Join server before public release (18 March 2022)
  16. One-Year Badge (5pt) - One year has passed since joining the server
  17. Shoal Sharin' (10pt) - Create a Shoal Share
  18. Isle Style (10pt) - Create a Trial Isle
  19. Quarter Participant (5pt) - Participate in three events total
  20. Half Participant (10pt) - Participate in six events total
  21. Year Participant (15pt) - Participate in twelve events total
  22. Event Combo Rookie (10pt) - Participate in three events in a row
  23. Event Combo Ace (15pt) - Participate in six events in a row
  24. Event Combo Legend (20pt) - Participate in twelve events in a row
  25. Answering (5pt) - Answer 5 Dev QOTDs
  26. Still Answering (10pt) - Answer 15 Dev QOTDs
  27. Forever Answering (20pt) - Answer 25 Dev QOTDs
  28. Super Sharin' (15pt) - Carry three or more SS roles at once
  29. SHIT- King & Queen (10pt) - Win the SHITPROM vote for worst ship
  30. -PROM King & Queen (10pt) - Win the SHITPROM vote for best ship
  31. Fed the Sharks (10pt) - Win the Shark Tank vote for DSA mascot

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