Can't spell Valentine's...
...without LEN! -- 15 FEB 2025
Hoorayyy it's the weekend and I remembered to make a post in here! I guess this is a monthly thing now. As a result, I think these might start getting pretty long. Maybe after I get used to posting monthly, I can start moving towards twice-monthly...
I'm still getting those heart palpitations by the way. They make it awfully hard to focus on work and to relax at night when I need to go to sleep. I saw a doctor for it (a coworker, technically? lol.) and now I have iron supplements and a chest x-ray order. I've been taking the iron for a little over a week, and I haven't gotten the x-ray yet. I've been told it won't be necessary, but I've also been told that it would help narrow things down. The thought of getting an x-ray kinda intimidates me, but maybe I'll get it done next week. My partner, Paloma, has been getting on my case for not exercising enough.
I keep telling myself that I want to get back into game development or work on stuff I owe, or do something else that matters... but I never do. I just go to work, go home, and ... do whatever for like 5 hours? and then I go to sleep. I try not to say things like this, but my life is a little bit sad. I try not to let it get me down though. It's important that I keep the momentum going.
For Valentine's Day, I rewatched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind with Paloma. It's a really good movie, I could probably watch it a million times over. Of course I cried like a baby at the end, of coures Paloma and I spent like three hours talking about fuckall romance shit afterwards.
I've been with her for seven years now. That's crazy. It's even crazier that the entire relationship has been long-distance. I only realized how crazy it was when I told my coworkers about it. At the age when people were going out and meeting each other and making dumb mistakes, my heart was (and is) locked down to one girl over a thousand miles away. I don't regret it or feel bad about it, nor do I believe I've wasted my years...but it is crazy. I wonder what my coworkers think about it.
The tasks...
I'm making really slow progress on the DSA fancams haha. I'm sure I can sit down and do them all over the course of a single weekend, but that requires some real willpower that I can't really muster right now. I also took it upon myself to prepare the next event on my own, which I think I can do fine.
I recently finished a couple of fun pieces for Valentine's Day! Hotlinking from TOYHOU.SE for now...soz lol

I made Valentine's cards for these guys in 2023, forgot to do it in 2024, but made sure to remember it for 2025. Definitely really fun to see the little improvements/shifts in my art style and characterization.

This is my big ship art for the season, I guess. It was a lot of fun to make and I am happy with the result, but I wonder if I should've done something more...Valentine's-y? I don't know. Maybe this is fine.
I think I need to start working on bringing regular project hours back into my schedule... Before I started my day job, I was working on my projects and art all day every day. Then, when I started the day job, I was way too fried to work on much of anything after I got home... It's been like five months now, I think I'm more than ready to start pulling in my real life lol. Bolty dev here we go? Haha jk. Unless...
Not necessarily something I worked on, but I got a really cool commission that's making me want to tweak Fenrir's design a little...
What's fun?
Taiko no Tatsujin, Balatro, and Visions of Mana...just as before. However, I've re-opened DSA's official Minecraft server, SEA CUBES! And that's been a real blast. Aside from the random griefing, but we fixed that now.
Something that I really want to get back into is skateboarding. I have been pretty discouraged by the weather here and my lack of stamina (so I can't skate for very long without getting winded), but I think I need to stop making excuses for myself and just do it... I keep looking at my boards and feeling bad that I never use them.