Luxos Compendium

The "official" Bolt from the Blue wiki

Second-born Lord of House Infiaco

Name Saffron Infiaco
Gender Male
Age 19
Height 5'7.5" (171cm)
Aspect Fire
Affiliation Team Raiden, House Infiaco

Saffron is one of the protagonists in Bolt from the Blue. He embarks on a personal quest to prove himself as a worthy successor to his family's legacy, finding himself traveling with the Cielisona heiress Araceli, her attendant Raiden, and - least likely of all - notorious solo pirate Cole.



Saffron is a young man with a slender figure. He has orange eyes and short, salmon-colored hair. He has a pair of horns and a tail, both of which are yellow with darker gold accents. His ears are long, and at rest they are angled downwards.

Saffron's dark red hat and cape are indicative of his family heritage, and they're almost always seen on his person. His default clothing is adorned with triangular golden accents.

At times, Saffron will pull a necklace out of his hat. Attached to the brown loop are two beads and a golden talisman shaped like a bird's wing.


Saffron comes across as extremely self-assured to the point of arrogance. He's eager to ramble about his own accolades, leaving little room for much else in a conversation. Unsurprisingly, he is easily offended by criticism and doubts of his abilities (particularly his intellect), which makes him an easy target for Cole's teasing.

That isn't to say Saffron is completely unjustified in his confidence, however, as he is notably intelligent and possesses powerful analytical skills. Additionally, Saffron is quick to notice small details—especially "imperfections." This includes shifts in behavior, though he doesn't quite know what to do with that information due to a glaring lack of emotional intelligence.

Secretly, Saffron is somewhat cowardly. He haves off any reluctance to move from his comfort zone as something out of his control or blame it on someone else. He's scared of what he doesn't know, so if his greatest efforts to divine what is in front of him fail, he falls to fear. He is also afraid of anything that cannot be reasoned with. Due to this and some predisposed ideals, he has an aversion to pirates.


In battle, Saffron is a powerful magical damage dealer with a fire aspect. Already a viable asset with his high CL and INT stats, he gains even more potential when he's joined by Aras in Pyrus Chapter.


Members of House Infiaco are gifted the ability to see into the future by a certain amount of time arbitrarily decided at birth. Saffron has inherited this ability, but he can only see into a meager full day into the future (compared to his mother, who can see up to six months). This period is increased to three days on Night of the Stars.

Chimera's Plume

Saffron possesses House Infiaco's prized talisman, a preserved wing of Pyrus' regional beastlord, Chimera. By concentrating deeply and channeling his light through it, he is able to summon a demilord of Chimera (i.e. a "minor" version). He's named this demilord Aras.

Aras takes the form of a bird engulfed in flames, similar to the ones that Saffron casts in battle. Though his form is typically on the small and round side, Aras' maximum size is over twice Saffron's height. In battle, Aras boosts Saffron's stats by one stage and has his own moveset.

Aras is sentient and capable of speech, and he's quick to humble Saffron (to Cole's amusement). Despite his teasing, Aras trusts Saffron and is determined to help him succeed in whatever his goals may be.


Prior to Story

Saffron is the second-born son of House Infiaco, a noble house which has historically passed down its inheritance to the eldest child in each generation—with few exceptions. Seeing himself as one of these exceptions, Saffron has more or less been in a one-sided competition with his older brother, Raymond.

The entirety of Saffron's education was through homeschooling. This is standard for early education for children of House Infiaco, but he continued to study on his own with the goal of reaching scholarly status. Strong national ties to Cieliso gave him the means to study at San Ven's college, but he ultimately preferred his own environment.

This didn't mean that he was locked in his study day-in and day-out, however, as a considerable amount of his childhood and early adolescence was also spent meeting with other nobles across Luxos—namely Princess Araceli of Cieliso and Umisuan Councilmember Mariangela.

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Bolt from the Blue

Frustrated at his mother's dismissal of his potential as a viable successor to House Infiaco's legacy, Saffron sets off on an unauthorized voyage to San Ven. Reluctantly, he does this with the help of the pirate Cole, who only let him on after he beat her at a bar game.

(more tba...)


Araceli Fuentes de Luna

Saffron's childhood friend and (former) crush. After an embarrassing confession, Saffron learned that Araceli was a lesbian and quickly moved on from his crush. Their families have maintained a close alliance, and he frequently visited Castle Cieliso to practice magic with Araceli. He's not fully aware of what happened with Araceli's right hand or the nature of her curse, and wholeheartedly believes that she will be able to successfully cast magic one day.

Mariangela Miron-Gushiken

Saffron's other childhood friend. These two and Araceli would hang out a lot at rich kid events. Mariangela saved Saffron from drowning once, but he's been too afraid to step in the water since. They stopped hanging out when Araceli started pulling away.